Cats Just Love to Hunt

Many cats love to hunt and are evolutionary specialized for hunting. Their fast and nimble legs help them catch insects or rodents. Cats are also very sneaky and quiet so their victim never sees them coming. Some things cats hunt and kill are birds, mice, rats, lizards, and insects. Cats are carnivores and can’t taste sugars so they don’t eat a lot plants. Multiple times my cat caught monarch butterflies and loved to play with them since they have gigantic wings and fly. Most of the time cats leave the victim they caught in front of the door for the owner as a “gift”. I think its pretty disgusting since we have to clean up the dead bird or rat. One time my cat caught a rat and only left the head, tail, and heart. In the wild, cat mothers teach their babies how to eat their food by bringing home a dead or injured prey. Usually that’s why cats don’t eat the prey they caught and just leave it near the door. Sometimes cats won’t kill the prey, but they will play with it for entertainment. Cats have such big ears that help them with picking up faint sounds for hunting. Also, the sense of smell helps guide the cat to their prey. Even though cats sleep a lot, they have a lot of energy and love to be in the outdoors.

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