The Importance of a Cat’s Tail

A cat’s tail is one of the most important body parts of the cat. First, the cat’s tail is a balancing tool because it acts as a counterweight when the cat walks along narrow surfaces like fences or walls. Also, the tail helps cats land on their feet with they fall from the air. The cars tail is made up of nineteen to twenty-three vertebrae and is about nine to eleven inches long. An extensive group of muscles, ligaments, and tendons hold the tail together and provide its amazing mobility. In addition, the tail acts as a communication aid because  they communicate through their body language. For example, happy cats have their tail sticking straight up with a quiver at the tip. If a cat’s tail is twitching, that means they are annoyed. Also, when a cat is about to attack, they will whip their tails back and forth. A cat’s tail will usually will puff up to make themselves look much bigger because they are angry or aggressive. Damage to a cat’s tail can result in serious nerve damage.  When the spinal cord ends, the nerves that help provide sensation to the tail, hind legs, bladder, large intestine, and anus have to extend outward without the protection of the spine’s bones. Never yank on your cat’s tail because that will overstretched or tear the nerves and cause chronic pain or the inability to walk. There are some cats that live without a tail and survives perfectly fine. The Manx cat is born without a tail and isn’t really clumsy. All in all, cat’s tails are a key part in the everyday functions of a cat’s life but sometimes other cats live perfectly fine without them.
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Top Three Cats with the Highest Life Expectancy

Cats don’t live as long as humans, but they do live for a decent amount of time. A cat’s life expectancy usually is about twelve to eighteen years old. Most of the time, indoor cats live longer than outdoor cats because they aren’t endangered by cars or other animals that could kill them.

The Burmese has the longest life expectancy. It’s average lifespan is about eighteen to twenty years. Also, it has the record for the longest living cat at thirty-five years old. The Burmese is very built and athletic so they’re perfect for the outdoors. In addition they have a personality like a dog and dogs tend to live longer than cats.

The second cat that lives for a long time is the Siamese. Their lifespan is about fifteen to twenty years. Siamese cats are very active and their intelligence helps them survive. They learn new things very quick and become attached with their owner. Siamese cats can even learn how to open cupboards and doors.

The Manx cat is the next cat that lives for a pretty long time.  They usually live well beyond fifteen years.  They are suitable for most house-holds and like to be alone most of the time. Manx cats have long and strong legs, which helps them jump from place to place.

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