Why Cats Hate Water

Cats and water just don’t mix. As we know cats hate taking showers and pretty much anything to do with water. The first reason why cats hate water is because it causes them to lose body heat. A cat can even get hypothermia due to how cold it is and die. The cats undercoat has no protection against moisture so when the water soaks the cats coat, it holds the water close to the skin. Also, the water causes their fur to become very heavy and weighs down the cat. For a Turkish Van, their coats are different and actually have oily fur and no undercoat, so their skin doesn’t get soaked with water. Another reason why cats hate water is because they hate the smell of the tap water. Cats have a very good sense of smell and they hate the scent of the chemicals from the tap water. In addition, cats spend most of their time and energy grooming themselves so they don’t have to take a bath.

One time I tried giving my cat a bath because she had fleas and it did not end well. I warmed up the water in my bathtub and slowly dropped her in but once her feet touched the water she instantly jumped out. So I put her on the table and got a wet towel and wiped her down. I started to add the shampoo and she started to scream. I tried to do all of this as fast as possible because I knew she would get cold pretty fast. Then she started licking herself and I got scared because I didn’t want her eating the shampoo. As I started wiping her down with the cloth, she starts screaming again. All the sudden she scratches my hand and it just starts to bleed and burn. I got it cleaned up and finished drying her up. After that whole experience I probably won’t be giving her another bath.


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Cats in the Morning

Life Lessons Learned-

I never realized that when a cat gets hungry or needs something when their owner is sleeping, they’ll find a way to wake them up. Cats are very smart animals and will do anything to wake you up. They don’t really care what you’re doing and won’t stop bothering you until they get what they want. There are some pros and cons to having your cat wake you up in the morning. A good thing is that you’ll usually never oversleep since they’ll be there to wake you up early in the morning, but a bad thing is they will wake you up when you still want to sleep in and relax.

Until one time on a Saturday I was sleeping in and all he sudden I hear my cat screaming. I was too lazy to go see what she needed so I stayed in bed and went back to sleep. A couple of minutes later she jumps onto my bed and starts to lick my face. It was really disgusting because cats tongues are just like sandpaper so it hurt a lot. I woke up and just pushed her aside because I was really tired and she just sat there next to me. Then all the sudden I hear a big crash and I wake up to see my lamp on the floor. No one was around except for my cat sitting on the table where the lamp was. I yelled at my cat for knocking down my lamp and then I finally went downstairs to feed her and take her outside.

Then I realized my cat will do anything to wake me up so she can have food or go to the bathroom outside. I was shocked she could push my lamp off the table because it’s really heavy and close to the back of the wall. Also, I didn’t even realize how smart my cat was since she knew she needed to make a loud noise to wake me up. Everyday she would meow in my face but I would get up because I would have to get up for school. It’s kind of annoying having her wake me up very morning but I think it’s good because I’m never late to school.

So now I will try to always wake up the first time my cat tries to wake me up so she doesn’t cause a huge ruckus. I’ve learned that having a cat is a big responsibility and waking up early to feed her or taking her outside to use the bathroom is all part of it. Sometimes if I really don’t want to wake up I’ll close my door and leave my siblings or parents door open so she’ll wake them up.  I’m glad my cat tries to wake me up instead of her peeing or pooping in the house.

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