How Many Kittens from One Cat?

Kernel writing- Elimination or confirmation

I’ve never been sure about how many kittens does an average cat have since I always see so many stray cats on the street. All I remember is going to the vet and seeing a bunch of kittens each time I came and I saw that they were always all different. Also, another time I took a tour around a college and saw a whole litter of kittens with their mother near the garbage bins.

But I’ve always suspected that it’s over two or one since my friends always give away at least three kittens when her cat has them. Also, since humans reproductive systems and cats reproductive systems are very different so usually humans don’t have more than one baby.

Also because once I experienced my friend’s cat giving birth to kittens. It was an interesting experience and she gave birth to five baby kittens. I was shocked because I didn’t expect to see so many kittens and I thought cats usually only have one or two babies.

Which made me think that a lot of people don’t get their cats neutered since there’s so many kittens for sale or on the street. I feel like people don’t think they have time to get their cat neutered and they don’t really care about how many kittens they have since they will just give them all away. Moreover, I think people think that getting their cat neutered is too expensive so they don’t want to put in all the money for their cat.

Finally, I realized that more people need to get their cats neutered so the population of kittens don’t over populate. I think it’s sad to see stray cats and kittens on the street because they have no one to care for them so a lot of them end up dying. Also, it’s hard when a vet gets new kittens and no one wants to adopt them so they end up dying too. I just want each kitten or cat in the world to have a safe home and someone to care and love them. Screenshot 2017-12-10 20.36.36

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